
Saturday 23 April 2011

ONE HUNDRED POUNDS..................

Good News first... Its been 7 months and 2 weeks and I have now lost 100llbs. I can't quite believe how fast this is going! While I was fitting nicely into a size 14 skirt and 16 top in a shop yesterday I was so excited but at the same time wondering how I ever let myself get to a size 28 in the first place!!! If it wasn't for my sleeve I would be in at least a 30 by now.  I feel blessed to have had the sleeve and I am enjoying my new life.

I would say to anyone who is considering the sleeve to go for it.  Its not the answer or solution! you still have to work hard at it, I have never had to consider what I am eating the way I have to now and the exercise is oh so important to help with the extra skin. The difference is now the motivation!  I am never hungry so I eating is now something I have to do rather than do because I am bored or upset or for any other reason I would give before.  I have to carefully think about what I eat and make sure I am getting the right nutrients and keep my protein levels high, with no cravings, no urge to eat those high sugar foods, I am happy to sit with a starter while those around me bloat themselves out with a 3 course meal.  I still do treat myself, I do have a downfall, and that is crisps,  they are one of the very few bad things I can eat that doesn't hurt when I eat, or make me vomit, or give me such a sugar rush I get high!!!!  As I am not spending so much time cooking and eating I have more time to be active and as the weight is dropping off I can do more and work harder.  The aches and pains I had due to the weight are virtually gone.  I feel like a new person!!

The not so good news... the side effects from the sleeve!  still having hair loss but it seems to have slowed down which is fabulous, been taking extra vitamins and upped my protein and I am hoping that has helped.  I went to the doctors a couple of weeks ago as I have been having some pain toward the bottom of my right ribs.  Its deep inside and is more uncomfortable and dull sort of pain than stabbing.  I have pain after I have eaten but I thought that was just due to the sleeve.  Doc refered me to hospital for an ultra sound.  They have found multiple gall stones! Doc said to put up with as long as I can and as soon as it starts to get to painful then he will refer me to a surgeon to have my gall bladder removed.  I really do not want surgery before my wedding.  I can't risk any complications and I cannot refrain from exercise! It is not bad enough to take pain killers so I am going to hold out until at least after my wedding.  I also really can't bare the thought of more surgery right now!

Anyway all in all, side effects, complications, restrictions.... it doesn't matter... I LOVE MY SLEEVE...

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